Tuesday, April 10, 2012

You Paid How Much for That Education?

     It is common when expressing what a person paid for a car or house, when they clearly paid more for something that was not worth the price, "You paid how much?!?!"  One is surprised that this expression is not daily heard of higher education.  Considering the ridiculous price many university students pay for the non or anti education they lay down hundreds of thousands of dollars to receive, you would think "buyer beware" should become the unofficial motto of the modern academy.
     When and how it all went wrong has been well documented, and there is certainly no shortage of "solutions," but the reality is that Titanic University struck the ice-berg some time ago and the band plays on while the student body meanders about getting crumbs from what used to be the feast of learning.  What is true of the California Universities, is likely as true for the rest of the nation with a few notable exceptions.

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